Bartender 4 lua error
Bartender 4 lua error

bartender 4 lua error
  1. #Bartender 4 lua error how to
  2. #Bartender 4 lua error code

Shield of the Righteous > Hammer of the Righteous > Consecration > Holy Wrath > Avenger's Shield* > Judgment Local myMana = UnitMana("player")/UnitManaMax("player")

bartender 4 lua error

Local myHealth = UnitHealth("player")/UnitHealthMax("player") If(not rfury and CanCast("Righteous Fury")="TRUE") then RunMacroText("/cast Righteous Fury") return end Local rfury = UnitAura("player","Righteous Fury") Environment BarTender 2019 Problem The BarTender System Service is required for the BarTender Suite to operate. Error Message : Cannot Open BarTender System Service service on computer. If(usable and (start = 0 and duration = 0 and enabled ~= 0) and inRange ~= 0) then When opening BarTender, you get the following error message: Couldnt Connect to BarTender System Service. Local inRange = IsSpellInRange(spellname,player) Local start, duration, enabled = GetSpellCooldown(spellname) Local spell2 = UnitChannelInfo("player") This gives you the ability to create a macro, that will be your 1 button you press when attacking a target. Now, login to WoW and as long as your addon is loaded the PallyRotation.Lua will also be loaded. 1 I’m having 16 LUA errors whenever I /reload and I was wondering if it was possible to fix them. C:\World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns\Bartender4\Bartender4.tocĪdd the line "PallyRotation.Lua" on its own line and save. Interface\AddOns\Bartender4\Bar.lua:35: in main chunk Locals: (temporary) 'Cannot find a library instance of 'LibWindow-1.1'.' I've tried restarting Wow and reinstalling the addon both didn't work Edit: I got it to work you can close this thread, ty for the help Last edited by Bassnectar at 09:28 PM. C:\World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns\Bartender4\PallyRotation.Lua.Įdit the. Put this file in any existing addon directory.

#Bartender 4 lua error code

Save the code below in a text file and name it whatever you want, e.g. It does not taunt/use racial abilities/defensive CDs, as I have found that those are best used manually for individual circumstances. Stack: Interface\AddOns\Bartender4\Bar.lua:158: attempt to call method 'SetBackdrop' (a nil value) string 'Interface\AddOns\Bartender4\Bar. The macro is intended to make the threat generation/rotation as easy as possible. This macro will do the most efficient rotation according to EJ, for a pally tank. Now, on to my 1 button Cataclysm Pally Tank macro.

bartender 4 lua error

I've put together many 1 button macros to do the rotations for various classes and thought they might be helpful to others. I've played many classes and keep up to date on the latest rotations from Elitistjerks. I am decent at writing LUA, so I will try to help anyone in that regard.

#Bartender 4 lua error how to

There are many other posts regarding the topic, but I'm not qualified to instruct on how to make protected methods available. You *must* already have the ability to call protected LUA functions or these functions will not work.

Bartender 4 lua error